Reopening the YWCO
We are excited to be reopening the YWCO in phases beginning June 1!!
Phase I June 1 Lap Swim
Phase II June 8 Weight Room
Phase III June 15 Summer Day Camp
Phase IV July 6 Classes and other programming
Keeping in mind the safety of our members and our staff the YWCO will reopen in phases beginning June 1. The YWCO is opening in compliance with the Executive Order by Governor Kemp and following guidelines from experts in the field of exercise and fitness as well as medicine. Patrons with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable to COVID-19 and we ask members to assess their level of risk when making a decision to return to the YWCO.
The YWCO will look a little different when you return. We want you to be aware of some of the changes/ rules we will be following:
Members will be screened for a temperature before being allowed to enter the building.
Masks must be worn at all times (entering, exiting, moving around the YW) unless exercising.
Social Distancing guidelines must be followed at all times.
Locker rooms will not be available to change clothes (come dressed to workout).
Members are asked to wipe down all equipment before and after use.
The maintenance staff will be doing extra cleaning throughout the day.
Guests will not be allowed until further notice.
See COVID Protocols for more specifics.
Save time by completing the required paperwork before you come to the YWCO. See below: